Welcome to Reverie Hacks
A student led hackathon for bringing your dreams to life with generative AI

August 30th - September 1st

About Reverie Hacks

Welcome to Reverie Hacks

Reverie Hacks is a completely free virtual hackathon for high school students to showcase their projects to the world and earn exciting prizes along the way. Students can join as individuals or in teams of up to 3 members to compete in one of six diverse competition tracks.


Compete for Prizes worth $40k

Check our devpost link for more info


Judging criteria

Judging Team 1


Frequently Asked Questions

We have tried to answer some common questions here but if you have any queries you can contact us on our email

  • No worries, you can join our discord server and ask us for some cool ideas. If you like other people's ideas you can work with them too!

  • Nothing. We have been able to bring this hackathon to you free of cost with the help of our amazing sponsors.

  • The theme behind this Hackathon is making your dreams come true with the help of generative Ai. You can build your project on one of our tracks through the help of generative Ai.

  • Yes, you can submit projects in teams of 1-3 people. Most teams aim to have a mix of people with both design and developer skills.

  • A hackathon is best described as an “invention marathon”. Anyone who has an interest in technology attends a hackathon to learn, build & share their creations over the course of a weekend in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. You don’t have to be a programmer and you certainly don’t have to be majoring in Computer Science.

  • Yes, all students can participate.

  • Not at all! This is a common misconception about hackathons and in actual fact, it’s the complete opposite. The environment at these events are designed specifically to encourage everyone to have fun and help each other. If you’re ever stuck on anything, go find a volunteer who might able to help and if not, they will almost certainly know who can.

  • Not a problem! It’s entirely irrelevant what your experience is going into a hackathon, it’s more about your interest in technology. You can participate in one of our various non coding based tracks like ideathon and ecad. If you want to learn how to code outside of a hackathon, you should check out the following: Treehouse, Codecademy and the Major League Hacking blog to get started.

  • You might think your project isn’t impressive or it might not be finished so you don’t want to present it. You should present it anyway! Honestly, hackathons isn’t about being the best or being competitive. It’s all about having fun, making friends and learning how to become better at things you care about. Presenting your hack gives you a chance to be proud of what you’ve done, and you should be proud.

  • You can find us on our discord regarding any complaints, feedbacks and sugestions!


This Hackathon has been made possible by

Wolfram alpha
Wolfram alpha

Sponsoring Us

Sponsor our hackathon!

Reverie Hacks is a completely free hackathon and hence requires your support to make this event a success. View our prospectus to get more information about our hackathon, sponsorship tiers & more.

View Prospectus

OUR Partners

This Hackathon has been made possible by

Hackpost guide
Hackpost guide