ReverieHacks Ideathon

ReverieHacks Ideathon is an alternative variant of the hackathon where instead of submitting a coding project, you present the idea of your project without coding it. This is perfect for students who wish to pursue their dream project and show it off to potential advisors and partners, but lack the time or resources to complete the project.


Building your project

The first step to participating comes through identifying the context of your problem. Many of you might already have a good idea of what the contexts of your problem are, however for those who are still unsure, we have included a problem statement template that can help you get started.

After you have identified the problem, your next step is designing the solution to the problem. In this stage you are not coding or developing anything. Instead you're gonna focus on thinking of a solution to the problem.

After developing your idea, consider how it can work in real life by addressing relevant logistics. Start with the Value Proposition, Customer Segments, Channels, Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams, Key Resources, Key Activities, and Cost Structure.

Submitting your project

The uploading process can be carried out easily on Devpost under the respective track. Simply upload the following files for a successful submission

Pitch Video :

Record a small video (no longer than 5 mins) which is your pitch that covers the purpose of your project as well as key details.

Project Plan :

A pdf document that covers all details regarding the project like purpose, technical details, mockups, logistics as well as your future plans for the project. It would be a good idea to include extra details in this document and focus only on key details in the pitch video.


Guidelines for building your project

These are guidelines that we have added that you must abide by to ensure a fair competition for all. To reach out to us, you can join the discord or reach out to us on our email

  • Must be a viable and real solution to a problem that exists or an innovation to an existing product. The product must be considered with professionalism

  • AI can be used for the generation process once a unique product/idea has been found by teams.

  • All submissions must be the original work of the team. Plagiarism or any form of cheating will result in disqualification.

  • Mentors will be available to provide guidance and support throughout. Teams are encouraged to seek help from mentors

  • All projects must be submitted by the designated deadline. Late submissions will not be considered unless there are extenuating circumstances

  • You can find us on our discord regarding any complaints, feedbacks and sugestions!